Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scripture & A Snapshot {Week 31}

He has risen indeed!

While I know many of us are focusing on Resurrection verses this Easter weekend, I'd like to share a link to Isaiah 53, which I find to be a great reflection of God's promises, unending love and faithfulness!

Because of the holiday weekend, I'm leaving the link-up open through Friday.
I hope you are all having a wonderful and safe Easter weekend!


Want to join in this challenge?
Here's how to participate:

1. Select a scripture.
My hope is that each week you will search your Bible and select a verse that has meaning for you.
Here's a link to a good Bible verse search engine.

2. Add a photo to it.
I hope that you will chose a photo that goes with your chosen scripture, and not just throw these two elements together. The photo can be from your archives or a new shot. Please only use your own photos. You can have the scripture on your photo, below it, make a collage - however you want, as long as the two elements are together!

3. Put the Scripture & a Snapshot button in your post.
You won't be deleted or banned if you don't. It just helps spread the word...and the Word. ;) 

It also helps visitors from the blog hop quickly identify your Scripture & a Snapshot post.

4. Come back here and link up your post. 
Please link directly to your Scripture & A Snapshot post, not the home page of your blog.


  1. Oh Praise the Lord, praise the Lord that He is not here!!!! I love Isaiah 53. One of my favorite chapters in the Bible. I have a goal to get it memorized. What a beautiful picture this is. I love the quietness of it yet the amazing beauty it holds. I'm so glad I'm forgiven by the blood of the LAMB!!!!

  2. Wahooo! I feel like it's a day for celebration. Went to our celebration tonight and wow! just wow!

  3. Love the link.. and love the promises.. and loving you for all you do for the blog community.. I know that you are to humble to recognize that you have heard God and listened and are following... so that others may learn to follow too! Blessings on you!

  4. Happy Easter everyone!

    Joy & Blessings to you all,

  5. Beautiful photo, Katie....and the Verse - can you imagine?!! What glorious news.

  6. Amen! What good news that is! I'm so glad he rose from the dead and lives today!

  7. Lovely picture... Happy Easter and God Bless you!

  8. Yes indeed, He has risen!
    Happy Easter Katie!
    much love Anna

  9. Beautiful, Happy Easter Katie!!

  10. So beautiful, what a gorgeous photo! He is risen indeed!

  11. I love this. Gorgeous!!

  12. beautiful!! I wanted to get a early morning shot like this, but it's been dreary and cloudy and rainy all weekend.

    PRAISE JESUS!! Up from the grave he arose, a mighty triumph over his foes (name that hymn... hehe)

  13. Hallelujah! He is risen indeed. Beautiful shot and message :)

  14. Greetings from Southern California

    God Bless You :-)


  15. Beautiful image! This is my first time participating, and it's so fun to see all these different scriptures and the images to go along with them! Thank you for giving us this opportunity to share a photo, along with a word to encourage others! Blessings! ~ Deborah

  16. Excellent composition and capture. Wonderful scripture. Perfect for resurrection Sunday. Well done.


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