Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scripture & A Snapshot {Week 8}

John 18:27

For those not familiar with this passage, Peter (one of the 12 disciples) had just denied knowing Jesus for the third time. Hours prior to this, Jesus Himself had told Peter this would happen. Peter emphatically replied that he would die with Jesus before ever doing such a thing. And yet, Peter did just as Christ had said. 

I am embarrassed to admit the number of times I've been like Peter and denied Jesus. When I've known what He wants me to do, and yet I do what I want to do. And, just like Peter, I am thankful for the grace, forgiveness and patience that Christ shows me, time and time again. Even when I've denied Him. When I've broken His heart and treated Him with disrespect. Even then, He still loves me. 

For the full story of Peter's denial, read John 13:31-38 and John 18


Want to join in this challenge?
Here's how to participate:

1. Select a photo.
It can be from your archives or a new shot. Please only use your own photos.

2. Add a scripture verse to it. 

 I really hope that you'll put thought into the scripture you're choosing, as well as the photo you've selected. The idea here is to give glory to God
Here's a link to a good Bible verse search engine.

3. Put the Scripture & a Snapshot button in your post.
You won't be deleted or banned if you don't. It just helps spread the word...and the Word. ;)

4. Come back here and link up your post.   
Please link directly to your Scripture & a Snapshot post, not the home page of your blog.


  1. Perfect combo of photo and scripture...definitely something for me to think on this week.

  2. Oh, this is a powerful message and one that I am humbled to admit the necessity of being reminded of my shortcomings. Thank you.

  3. I am so thankful that each time I have let Him down He has forgiven me as He loves us so much. His graces is unmeasurable.

    G - Great
    R - Riches
    A - At
    C - Christs
    E - Expense

    I really like the rooster photo and that wonderful bokeh in the background. Have a Blessed Sunday Katie with your family.

  4. AMEN!
    I love the verse with your photo.
    Blessings to you and yours today.

  5. Great photo and verse combination!

  6. Katie, such a convicting analogy ~ I think of those times when I should have shared and didn't. I too am so much like "ole Peter", just speak my mind before thinking. Thank you for allowing the Lord to work through you by hosting Scripture and A Snaphot.

  7. Thanking God with you for His mercy and grace and never failing love!

  8. Hello Kate,
    I'm glad to participate again this week. This meme is really an encouragement.

    I've been trying to learn how to create that background effect you have but I never get close to yours. Also, I want to know what program you use for the text of the verse. I like the way you emphasize important words.

    thank you again for hosting us this week. May you have a great week ahead.

  9. This is great Kate - love your photo and scripture!

  10. wow what a great lesson today. So clear and to the point. I am glad He is a forgiving and loving and gentle God.

  11. You said it so perfectly! I'm toooooo often like Peter and so thankful for the Lord's forgiveness and mercy to still love me!

    Your photo is great. Yummy bokeh! :)

  12. I'm afraid I've been there before - not necessarily denying that I know Jesus, but by not speaking, I am denying my faith. Thank you for giving me such an opportunity to share my faith.

  13. Great post! A Perfect shot to go with the scripture...nice bokeh! ~Diana

  14. Wow - I really love this one!

  15. I gave you a blog award-check it out here:

    Thank you for your site-it is an inspiration!!

  16. greatly done, Katie - thoughtful and a wonderful reminder to be attentive in our own ways of denying Him

  17. Great photo and wonderful scripture to go with it.

  18. Awesome!!! You are so right. Peter may have actually denied Jesus, but we deny Him also in other ways. How sad, yet how wonderful to know we are forgiven. Oh to live for Jesus each and every day.

  19. Love your post, so very true, how we deny Jesus just with our actions. I'm a little late this week. Been busy getting 1200 newsletters out! Hopefully it's not too late!


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