Friday, September 30, 2011

31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist - The Itinerary

31 Days

Tomorrow will mark Day 1 of the 31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist series. 
I wanted to remind you it starts tomorrow and let you know what to expect...both from the series and during the month. Since this is such an intensive series I will not be sharing my normal photography posts, although Scripture & a Snapshot will still run on schedule.

The main goal of this series is to help you break out of the box and let your inner artist and creativity run wild! While this series is geared towards photographers, I think artists of other mediums will also be able to take away some valuable points.

Below is the itinerary for the series, broken into five main parts.
As you'll see, there are five exercises throughout the month, all of which fall on Monday.
There will be a link-up for each exercise which will remain open for two weeks.
You can participate in one, all, or none of the exercises.
This is a "come as you are, leave when you need" kind of series and is meant to be a place to ask questions and learn from one another...because I assure you, I don't know everything!

So, without further ado...the itinerary:

Get Your Head in the Game

15. Get Lit

Time Management

Think of the Viewer

Rule Breaking
29. Hi, ISO

I think this is going to be a great series and can hardly wait to get started!
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Wait is Over!

Some of you may remember way back in June or July when I told you something wonderful was coming, but wasn't sharing what it was....well it's HERE!
{both literally and figuratively}

The fantastic Becky of Life with Kaishon interviewed me.
This is the same woman who has interviewed Darcy from M3B, Kim Klassen and Jodi from MCP....and she interviewed me!

Eek! Gasp!
Totally awesome.

So, if you care to read the interview, which I might add involved some seriously difficult questions, go HERE to check it out!

Meanwhile, I'll be flying high with excitement!
{not drugs} well as getting in a much needed photo shoot while the kids are at school and trying to get more posts finished up for the 31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist series that starts in just two dishes and laundry if there's time.
{Come back tomorrow when I'll be sharing the 31 Days itinerary!}


Monday, September 26, 2011

Tea Time

I love bone china tea sets, even though I don't drink tea.
They are so dainty and feminine and pretty.

I found this one while garage sale-ing {which I also love} for $0.75!
Well worth every penny if you ask me.

{I also got a mini oil lamp, a pretty bead bracelet, and a gorgeous blue pitcher...all of which I will photograph and share at some point.}




On Friday I'll be sharing the itinerary for the 31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist series.
I'm really excited about it and hope you are too!
Even though it starts on a Saturday I hope you'll take a few minutes to come back and check it out.
You'll also want to come back on Monday for the first of five link-up exercises!

If you Tweet, use #InnerArtist to share about the series, or any tips and comments you have along the way!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Scripture & a Snapshot - Week 53


Sing a new song to the Lord!
      Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!
 Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
      Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.

Psalm 96:1-2 (NLT)

By the way, you can get a free download of this song at K-Love's site!

Click here to get the blog hop code!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Family Session & Giveaway Number Five Winner

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of photographing the following family.
They were so sweet and friendly and really made my job easy!

Are they not just the cutest family ever?! 

There's something about shots of a Daddy snuggling and loving on his kids that absolutely melts my heart. 

Just look at that little face!
He was such a trooper through the entire hour-long session. 
Kudos to Mom and Dad for raising such a well mannered son!

In the above shot, I asked them to lay on their tummies {yep, that's how I said it. can you tell I'm a mom?!} and this is how they posed themselves. I try hard to not pose people any more than what's necessary because this way their true personalities are able to shine through in full force!

His smile is so infectious! 

I'm personally a big fan of shots like this. 
It shows a family in a {somewhat} natural state...not posing for the camera or forcing a smile, but rather an embodiment of togetherness.

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk PhotoStory Friday


And now to announce the winner of giveaway number five: a 2012 desk calender from moi!

Kimberly said...
"Okay, so it was really hard to pick just one, so here are my top 4 ...

Wither & Fade
Psalm 37:7
Allium Garden
Summer Wheat Harvest"

Thanks to everyone who entered all week long and made these giveaways so much fun!

Be sure to come back on October 1st for the start of 31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Trip to the Trail / Giveaway Number Four Winner / 31 Days Question

There are several things going on today!
1. Pics from a nature trail
2. Winner of the fourth giveaway, courtesy of Snapshots by Michelle
3. A bit about my 31 Days to Releasing Your Inner Artist series

Let's get to it, shall we?!

The other day the kids and I went to the trail near our house.
With Breck in school full time, we haven't gone anywhere near as much as we used to.
And I've got to tell you, this trail never disappoints!

{This trail} " like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're going to get!"
- adapted from Forrest Gump

There are always ample opportunities for sun flare shots.

Leaves are in all stages and still on the tree.

And in all stages on the ground as well.

There are occasional wildflowers...

and wildlife.

Rowan was the one who spied this little guy!
After she found him, we started looking for more snails and found four others.
I asked the kids if they wanted to take one home and Breck replied:
"No! They would miss their family and friends. Let's leave them here where they belong."

I love that he doesn't have an attitude of entitlement!
{at least when it comes to things other than candy. ;)}


...and now for the winner of giveaway number four: your choice of one of the following prints by Michelle of Snapshots by Michelle!

"Summer's Glow"
Summer's glow


"Grassland's Pearls"
grassland's pearls

is......commenter number 10!

Christina said...
"I would get Summer's Glow. The details and colors in that shot are so beautiful."

Congrats Christina!
There is one final giveaway left. You have until midnight tonight to enter!:


31 Days

I know many of you already know my plans for joining in the 31 Days series, hosted at Nesting Place.
But since we have so many new friends joining us, I'm going to share it again.

During the month of October, I will be sharing one post every day - for all 31 days {gulp!} - on Releasing Your Inner Artist.
I still have a few more days to finish {aka: start writing}, so I'm going to ask this question again:

What do you struggle with when it comes to being artistic/creative?
{if you've already answered this question for me, either on Facebook or here, feel free to skip this round. ;)}

On September 30th I'll be posting the itinerary for the series.
I also have five exercises/link-ups scheduled for the month: one every Monday.
It's going to be a really fun month! I hope you'll join me!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Nature Channel: LIVE & Giveaway Number 3 Winner #

The winner of a lovely fine art print by Ana at Wonderland is...

Commenter number six!


Kati said...
My favorite would have to be the clock.

Congrats to Kati!
And don't forget about these two giveaways still going on:


We have a butterfly bush in our backyard and one day last week I noticed several monarchs out there, so I grabbed my camera and Rowan and I headed out. After a while of photographing the various butterflies, I started looking around to see if I could spot any cocoons.
And the following is what I came upon instead...

Did you know that praying mantises can be raised as pets?
Did you know they help control unwanted pests in the garden?
Did you know they eat butterflies?

{WARNING: The following sequence of photographs are rated PG-13 for violence.}

praying-mantis-1 praying-mantis-2

praying-mantis-3 praying-mantis-4

When I was watching this through my lens, I was both amazed and disgusted.
Did you catch what happened in the last shot?
{it ripped the butterfly's head right off and then spit it out!}
I had no idea a praying mantis would eat butterflies, let alone bust out a "Finish Him" move a la Mortal Kombat.

But I suppose this is survival of the fittest in action.
Check out the first photo...this butterfly should have seen it coming!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunflowers & Giveaway Number Two Winner #

It's time to announce the winner of giveaway number two: any piece of jewelry from SpritelyWear!

And the winner is....
Commenter number 96!
giveaway 2 winner

avalonne83 said...

"Great giveaway! I'd love to be entered.
My favourite item is the Black Wire Wrapped & Iridescent Bead Necklace"


And don't forget about these giveaways still going on:


Our church has a large grasslands area next to the overflow parking {read: Easter and Christmas parking} and several kinds of wildflowers grow there, but sunflowers are the most abundant. Right now they are stunning! So the other day when I had some time to spare {without kids and before my mom's group started} I stopped to get some shots.

I just couldn't decide exactly how I wanted to edit them, so I ran several different actions.
And now I can't decide which I like best, so I'm sharing them all!

sunflower-with-texture 2011-09-13_sunflowers_2894
For the shot on the left I {think} I ran PTM's Joy action and then added one of Kim Klassen's textures.
The shot on the right is almost sooc....I made some minor adjustments in RAW mode.

This one I {think} I ran Nelly Nero's Ivory Bleach action three times.

On this, I may have run Nelly Nero's Ivory Bleach action twice, or maybe her Autumn Vintage action...I don't write this stuff down and my brain is full of other things to Breck's spelling words, homework and grocery lists. ;)

And it's very likely that I ran Nelly Nero's Grunge BW action for this edit.

sunny-sunflower bw-sunflower
...umm....who knows.

And this one is definitely Nelly Nero's Ain't Life A Peach action.

Here are links to all three super talented ladies whose awesome actions and textures I used:
Nelly Nero
Paint the Moon
Kim Klassen

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rowan at the Farmstead & Giveaway Number 1 Winner #

Morning ladies!
I hope you had fun visiting all the sponsors from last week and entering the giveaways.
Giveaway number 1 is officially over and I'm here to announce the winner!

{drum roll, please}

As selected by, the winner is lucky commenter number 30!!!

JillHogan said...

I like Misty's site on Facebook


Jill, I'll be sending you an email soon!
Thanks to everyone else who entered and an especially big thanks to Misty who made the giveaway possible!

Don't forget there are still four fabulous prizes to win:


I had a family/three-year old session this past Saturday and in preparation for it, I took Rowan out for a mini session. I figured if I can get through a session with her, then I can do anything! ;)


Mostly, she wanted to make silly faces...


and play...


and look at anything but the camera...


and sit on every. single. bench.


or just run away.


...and make silly faces.
Oh wait, I already said that.

If you want to see more form this "session" head over to my family blog, Bring on the Lloyds...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scripture & a Snapshot - Week 52


1. Be thankful for a cup that is clean on the inside.
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean."
Matthew 23:25-26

2. Be thankful even when your cup seems to be empty.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What are three things you're thankful for?

I'm thankful for:
1. This weekly challenge reaching the one year mark!!!
2. A healthy family!
3. A promising future with my photography business!


Want to join in this challenge?
Here's how to participate:

1. Select a scripture.
My hope is that each week you will search your Bible and select a verse that has meaning for you.
Here's a link to a good Bible verse search engine.

2. Add a photo to it.
I hope that you will chose a photo that goes with your chosen scripture, and not just throw these two elements together. The photo can be from your archives or a new shot. Please only use your own photos. You can have the scripture on your photo, below it, make a collage - however you want, as long as the two elements are together!

3. Put the Scripture & a Snapshot button in your post.
You won't be deleted or banned if you don't. It just helps spread the word...and the Word. ;) 

It also helps visitors from the blog hop quickly identify your Scripture & a Snapshot post.

4. Come back here and link up your post. 
Please link directly to your Scripture & A Snapshot post, not the home page of your blog.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Giveaway Number 5 - 2012 Desk Calendar by Katie Lloyd Photography

The 5th and final giveaway is brought to you by me!
I recently added calendars to my Etsy shop and decided now was a great time to give one away!

This calendar consists of twelve 4x6 loose pages printed on photographic paper.
This size is perfect for a small space such as a desktop. And at the end of the month, simply cut off the calendar portion and you're left with a frameable 4x4 fine art print!

These calendars are available at a seriously deep discount right now!
For $15 you get twelve 4x4 prints...not to mention the functional at-a-glance calendar.
A single 4x4 print regularly costs $5...and you're getting 12 of them!!
...that's 75% off regular prices!!
{psst...they make great stocking stuffers!}

What you win: The above 2012 Whimsical 4x6 Desk Calendar! And I'll ship it anywhere in the world, so everyone is welcome to enter!

Here's how to enter:

Mandatory Entry 
1. Visit my shop, Katie Lloyd Photography, browse the selection, then come back here and tell me which item is your favorite! Also be sure to leave your email address in the comments or tell me where I can find it {on your profile, on your blog, etc} so I can contact you should you be the lucky winner!

Optional Entries
{remember to leave a separate comment for each entry}
2. Heart my Etsy shop.
3. Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.
3. Blog, Tweet, or post to Facebook about this giveaway. Leave the permalink to your post/tweet/status in the comments. 

And there you have it. Four super simple entries to win a years worth of art plus a stylish way to remember what day it is!

Now for some fine print...
* Giveaway will run one full week, ending at 11:59pm CST on September 22nd, 2011. Winner will be announced the following morning on this blog and contacted via email with instructions on how to claim your prize!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Busy Bees

Y'all, this week is insanely busy...and wonderful!!!
I know I've been a bad blogger and haven't commented on a single blog this week...ok, maybe three?
Right now I feel like the parents in that Toyota commercial:

I am loving it!!
Seth and I recently joined a small group at church and we...or at least perfectly with the awesome, awesome group of people! I can't express to you how excited I am to get to know these other couples!

I also joined Building Better Moms at our church and again, I'm with a fabulous group of girls!
We had our first meeting a couple days ago and I signed up for everything there was to sign up for...which includes a mom and tot playdate, making cheesecake for a teacher appreciation event our group hosts at one of the inner city schools, and then the best of all - I'm going with a group to that same school where we will throw a Fall party for the kids! All of this is in less than a month and I am gonna burst with excitement!


And as you may already know, I have a giveaway running each day this week in celebration of this blog turning one year old! If you haven't entered any or all yet, go do it! There are some seriously wonderful things to win!!

And tomorrow I'm giving away a 2012 desk calendar!

But you don't come here to listen to me ramble or watch funny commercials....or do you?!

So here are the last few stragglers of my flower shots from over a week ago!!

This shot is best viewed small....because it was a handheld macro shot and I am {nearly} incapable of taking crisply focused shots this way! Next time I go to the arboretum I'll have to take my tripod.


Here's another one of those pretty, wispy flowers. This time with a bee.


And I must say, I'm pretty happy with this one.
It's also a handheld macro shot with manual focus!

That's it for now...
I have shots of Rowan to edit - she was part of my practice run for an upcoming session.
And I also have some fun sunflower shots to share that are from our church's parking lot/grasslands area. well as some praying mantis shots {you already know the story if you are a fan on Facebook}, a few bug shots and some photos of the cute tea cup and saucer I found at a garage sale last week.


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